24/7 Local Restoration

Connection between Asthma and Mold


Health is always the top priority of everyone especially since these days, there has already been an increase of panic and death to people with weak immune systems because of a single virus. It is evident that this world’s paranoia with viruses and bacteria that causes sickness has been worsened because of the threat of the coronavirus.

Though not as famous as coronavirus, mold has always been seen as a silent killer for those who have weak immune systems. This little fur-like substance might be small, but it can cause severe physical damage to those who are unaware of its presence, especially those who have allergies to mold.

What causes Asthma?

Most people conclude that asthma is something that is hereditary, unfortunately, it’s not. Asthma can be developed when you have a weak immune system that can’t fight infections, or you are sensitive to allergens, and even air pollution.

People who have asthma are prone to shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and chest pains which are caused by the lack of sufficient air that comes to the lungs.

What is Mold made up of?

Mold is known to be a part of a group of organisms called fungi or fungus if singular. It thrives in damp places which are why it is mostly seen in basements, attics, or other corners of the house that are damp. Moreover, they can also be seen on food that has been left for a while and if not careful, a person might digest it and cause food poisoning or severe effects depending on the kind of mold.

Mold would multiply by spreading its pores like an airborne virus that latches itself to the nearest surface. This can’t be dried out and dies, so a mold would only remain still and wait for it to become damp and grow once more.

Can mold affect a person with asthma?

Multiple studies have been made regarding the effects of mold on people who have asthma. There is such a thing as Mold-induced Asthma, and this occurs when a person who is allergic to certain molds would unconsciously inhale the spores produced by the mold and could trigger an asthma attack.

There are people who have severe mold allergies that once they go near mold or even touch it just a little bit, they would have an allergic reaction, runny nose, red eyes, and rashes on their skin. These symptoms would eventually lead to an asthma attack which, if not treated immediately, could lead to severe complications, which is why it is best to make sure your surroundings are mold-free.

Your health must be a top priority, as well as the health of those who are around you, especially children because there is such a thing as developing asthma by being exposed to molds multiple times during childhood.

Never risk your health or anyone’s health by letting mold grow in your homes or things. Hire experts to thoroughly sanitize your place so you’ll have a cleaner and safer environment.

Reactic Restoration expertise and services

If you are looking for experts that can sanitize your homes and offices, then Reactic Restoration is the one for you. Reactic Restoration is a business that specializes in eliminating any mold and spores that could cause harm to you and your family.

Reactic Restoration’ offers special services like:

  • Mold inspection and removal

When inspecting for molds inside a house or an office, the first thing to do is look for the places that are damp. Reactic Restoration makes sure that their teams are trained to locate possible hiding places of molds and remove them without damaging your personal space.

  • Mold remediation

This is the process after the mold removal where our experts make sure that the area that the mold has been on will properly be sanitized so that it won’t grow back. Since molds have microscopic pores, removing them on your own would only cause the pores to spread, thus causing molds to grow more in different places.

However, mod remediation eliminates these fungi directly from its main core without spreading the pore unintentionally.

  • Water damage restoration

When your property has been invaded by water, you need to make sure that aside from securing electrical outlets, after the water has been fully removed, make sure that there will be no damp places inside your house.

Reactic Restoration makes sure that all the water is gone so that there will be no place for mold to develop and grow. Every place will be inspected and thoroughly cleaned to prevent possible mold formation.

  • Air duct cleaning

Air duct cleaning must be done at least every two years to make sure that the air inside your home is clean and free of any bacteria, pollen, dust particles, and other possible specs of dust.

Therefore, our expert staff will make sure that mold will not grow around or inside your air duct to ensure that no one will be affected by its spores that could cause asthma-flaring or severe allergic reactions.

Reactic Restoration doesn’t just offer these services. They also offer multiple services from water damages, to carpet cleaning. The goal is to make sure that their clients are satisfied with the cleanliness of their space.

Reactic Restoration covid-19

Reactic Restoration is the best problem solver for your home and office sanitizing needs

Cleanliness will always benefit you. That is why Reactic Restoration is a business that takes extra care in making sure that the service they offer is the best. Hence, they don’t just clean your homes or offices; they make sure that your surroundings will not be a problem, but a place of comfort.

Reactic Restoration makes sure that they have expert cleaners that have equipment that also protects them from the bacteria and mold that they are removing; and encountering. Though a mold may seem harmless and easy to remove, the experts make sure that when they remove the mold, it will not grow back anytime soon.

That’s why instead of risking yourself while cleaning the molds on your own, contact Reactic Restoration and let them handle your mold problems for you.

Get help if you need it

If the area is large, or if you’re not sure you have or can get to all of the mold, get professional help. You should also seek assistance if you have cleaned an area and find the mold is coming back as it either means the issue was not completely resolved or that the mold is hidden in a place that will need professional attention to access.

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